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Mandate and operations


IOM works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration, to promote international cooperation on migration issues, to assist in the search for practical solutions to migration problems and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, including refugees and internally displaced people.

Standby Partnerships programme


IOM’s ability to rapidly respond to a humanitarian crisis is an essential aspect of the Organization's emergency response operations. IOM's partnership with Sstandby Ppartners is an integral component of our rapid response mechanism. As the number of humanitarian crises increases in the world, it can become challenging to mobilize IOM's human resources to ensure that proper staff with the right profile and experience are being deployed; thus, the relationship with our Sstandby Partners have played a critical role in the success of our past and current emergency response programmes. The management of IOM’s SBP portfolio falls in the Organization’s Department of Operations and Emergencies.

IOM has been contributing and engaging with the SBP Nnetwork in the following ways:

  1. Financial contribution to the SBP Network, including by supporting its core staff.

  2. Participation and active engagement in at least one of the existing Working Groups.

  3. Participation and engagement at the Annual Consultation and Mid-Annual Consultation.

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The Standby Partnership (SBP) Network is  an initiative composed of participating NGOs, Governments, Donors, Non-Profit Organisations, Private Sector Companies and UN agencies providing critical surge support in humanitarian crisis and emergencies globally.

This website was developed with kind support from:


© 2024 by Standby Partnership Network

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