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International Medical Corps - Technical Rapid Response Team

International Medical Corps - Technical Rapid Response Team

International Medical Corps - Technical Rapid Response Team

Mandate and operations


The Technical Rapid Response Team (Tech RRT) is an emergency response mechanism formed in August 2015, led by International Medical Corps in consortium with Save the Children and Action Against Hunger Canada and USA.

The Tech RRT aims to improve the quality and scale of nutrition humanitarian responses, in both emergency and protracted crisis situations, through three main areas of work:

  1. in-country tailored technical support to nutrition responses

  2. remote tailored technical support to nutrition responses and

  3. by supporting and leading global level capacity strengthening initiatives.

Currently the Tech RRT team includes Advisors in community- based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM), infant and young child feeding in emergencies (IYCF-E), nutrition surveys and assessment and social behaviour change (SBC) for nutrition outcomes, with access to experts with other nutrition technical expertise.

These experts are available on very short notice, to support the entire nutrition community or individual agencies (local and international NGOs as well as government or UN agencies) to improve the technical quality of nutrition responses.

Since 2015, the Tech RRT has fulfilled over 65 technical support requests in 22 countries, including: Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Haiti, Iraq, Jordan, Mexico, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Serbia/Greece, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria/Turkey, Uganda, Venezuela, Yemen and Zambia.

Whilst not engaged in country support (either in-country or remotely), the Advisors lead capacity strengthening, for example through webinars, support global level technical initiatives and facilitate learning across contexts, different technical support and technical areas.

Standby Partnerships programme


Tech-RRT has been contributing and engaging with the SBP Network in the following ways:

  1. Participation and active engagement in at least one of the existing Working Groups.

  2. Participation and engagement at the Annual Consultation and Mid-Annual Consultation.

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The Standby Partnership (SBP) Network is  an initiative composed of participating NGOs, Governments, Donors, Non-Profit Organisations, Private Sector Companies and UN agencies providing critical surge support in humanitarian crisis and emergencies globally.

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